Permits are issued based on the information supplied by the
Applicant. This application form, as well as any supporting
documents, will form part of your permit. Knowingly providing
false or misleading information may render any permit
issued as
invalid. You are required to have a copy of this permit on
at all times while working in the public right-of way.
hereby apply for prior approval as described in the pages of
this application. I/We have been provided, have read
and agree
to adhere to the
document contained in this package.
By submitting this application I/we agree to follow all
directives noted on the permit and/or those subsequently
on authority of the Town, including all attached reinstatement
standard drawings. I/we agree to guarantee the above noted
driveway entrance permit, including restoration, for a period of
one (1) year.
I/We, our heirs, executors, administrators and assignees will
indemnify and save harmless the Corporation of the Town
of Fort
Erie, the “Town”, and any Public Utility /
Company, agency, board or commission having
utilities within the
Right of Way, which may in any manner be
affected through the
right of occupation hereby granted,
from any and all claims,
demands, suits, actions and judgements
made, brought or
recovered against the Town and
from all loss, costs, damages,
charges or expenses that may be
incurred, sustained by reason of
the granting of this
Service Installation Permit, including any
loss resulting from any
violation under the Occupational Health
and Safety Act,
R.S.O. 1990, c. O.1, together with defence
costs, fines and
penalties. The Applicant shall be considered
“constructor” for the purposes of the Occupational Health
and Safety Act.
The indemnity provisions of this Agreement
survive the termination of the Agreement.
I/We agree to pay all fees in advance and, where the Town
costs exceed any deposits, I/we hereby agree to pay the
within 10 calendar days from the date of invoice.
Where applicable: I/We have the authority to bind the